WAVES (a continuation of quotes, from 'Thoughts of the Prince of Darkness' blog)

(complementary blog)

"What does it mean to be human, in the context... of the 'human condition'... Being such, is more than just having that label... ascribed, to oneself...?" - Michael Izuchukwu, 7:58 PM (8/27/22)

"If you consistently make the same mistakes, and deliberately refrain from apologizing for... or acknowledging them (while forgetting the mistakes you made, after they've been made)... then such is characteristic, of depravity... and should be addressed..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 6:11 PM (9/16/22)

"If you go into the abyss, you might not get out..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"There are many ways to live one's life - some have more intrinsic value, than others... Some aspects of reality, are the consequence... of having passed a series of checkpoints (which tend to be indefinite, in number)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Homeostasis is necessary, for humans' vitality... and survival... One should live his/her life, in a way... that promotes 'energy conservation'... regarding the nature, of our physiologies... as a species..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 3:29 PM (8/28/22)

"Asymptotic aging, likely requires 'physicality maintenance'... due to the fact that the nature of spacetime, influences the manner in which a human relates to himself/herself... in the context, of the spirit, mind and body..." - Michael Izuchukwu


[“God is, or He is not. But to which side shall we incline? Reason can decide nothing here. There is an infinite chaos which separated us. A game is being played at the extremity of this infinite distance, where heads or tails… will turn up… Which will you choose then? Let us see. Since you must choose, let us see which interests you least. You have two things to lose, the true and the good; and two things to stake, your reason and your will, your knowledge and your happiness; and your nature has two things to shun, error and misery. Your reason is no more shocked in choosing one rather than the other, since you must of necessity… choose… But your happiness? Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is… If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is.] – Blaise Pascal’s Wager

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager - YouTube


"Along the path to the fulfillment of one's ideals, tends to be sources of deviation... from such... One must tread carefully..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Pinocchio - "They never come back..." - YouTube


“Then Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death… before they see the Kingdom, of God arrive… with power’…” – Mark 9


“Ka...Ka... Kakarot, listen. Don't be so soft. (coughs) There's no stinking honor in any of this. It's just a game, played to win. There are no rules…” - Vegeta

Vegeta tells Goku about the Saiyan Race BAD QUALITY - YouTube


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them… the first time...” - Maya Angelou


"The bible contains excerpts before, during and after the time... of Jesus Christ... If you've never inquired about them, you likely have a flawed or limited conceptualization... about Jesus Christ, which would impair your ability to fully harness the power... of the Holy Spirit (a human's link, to God)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Thinking about the bible verses, that are most aligned with defying spacetime (9:09 AM, on 4/22/22) - YouTube


Son of God | Resurrection | 20th Century Fox - YouTube (3:21-4:49)


"If you have something to say, you need to know how... to effectively articulate such..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"If you don't believe in God (in the context of the Holy Trinity), then you likely are not familiar with the Holy Spirit... to the degree, that you should be..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"If you don't pay attention to the things you ought to, when you have the means to do so... then at some point, the timer expires, a door closes, or the sun stops shining..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Prince of Egypt (1998) - Rameses vs. Moses - YouTube


"Heaven is in a different plane/realm of reality... and cannot be reached, by 'physical means'... Planet Earth serves as a 'testing ground'... for those, who seek to gain entry..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The mission mars - The Planitarium - YouTube


[From childhood’s hour I have not been

As others were—I have not seen

As others saw—I could not bring

My passions from a common spring—

From the same source I have not taken

My sorrow—I could not awaken

My heart to joy at the same tone—

And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone—

Then—in my childhood—in the dawn

Of a most stormy life—was drawn

From ev’ry depth of good and ill

The mystery which binds me still—

From the torrent, or the fountain—

From the red cliff of the mountain—

From the sun that ’round me roll’d

In its autumn tint of gold—

From the lightning in the sky

As it pass’d me flying by—

From the thunder, and the storm—

And the cloud that took the form

(When the rest of Heaven was blue)

Of a demon in my view— ] – Edgar Allan Poe

Rice University students prep for O-Week - YouTube

"Some birds chirp louder, than others..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Martin Luther King, Jr., said he had been to the mountaintop... in 1968... and yet, the very next year (after that of his assassination), the United States... landed on the moon (July 20, of 1969)... In the context of there being many mountains in our planetary system (the solar system), which is one of 'several'... in our Milky Way galaxy... one wonders what mountaintop, MLK was referring to..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"Spacetime is interesting to me, in the context of how going backward in time... is not necessarily as practical, as moving forward in such... We have windows into the past, such as photographic and video-based documentation... but interestingly, we do not have the 'recordkeeping counterparts'... for seeing the future, before such happens..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 2:35 PM (8/29/22)
"...In the context of this, envisioning oneself in the present moment... in the sense, that one had already done such, in the past... is a means of feeling as though one has been in the future, before such arrives... If one is 32 years old, for instance... one could attempt to imagine what being a 40-year-old is like... at the present, and if done 'genuinely and successfully'... one may offset some of the effects, of spacetime... ...to my understanding. Nevertheless, such requires tremendous effort, research and being actively... perseverant..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"What does this mean...?" - Mera
"Not certain, Mera... but 'asymptotic aging' may be more difficult, than most would surmise (even though such may be possible)... something about 'the law of attraction,' and 'equal and opposite reactions'... regarding Isaac Newton's third law..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[“...there may be something of the spirit that occurs, if one manages to live to the age of 403… or so. In the context of the bible, there was Methuselah… who the 'son' of enoch, who lived to the age of 969… while Enoch, lived to the age of 365, and was taken away… by God. So, evidently… there is a distinction, between living a long time… and then, departing from this realm (versus living long, and then… doing so in a way, that is spiritually ordained, as opposed to subject to… the natural…” – Michael Izuchukwu (‘revised’ transcription of this video)]


"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

"If you work to make a living... as opposed to living to work, you may progress through life... having made intrinsic use, of time's passage... which is irreversible... This concept relates to that of an 'hourglass'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:26 AM (8/31/22):
"A discussion about contacting extraterrestrials.... At 3:35-6:42, Douglas Vakoch [the founder and present president of 'Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (M.E.T.I.)'], suggests that over time... it may be of interest to 'actively' message extraterrestrial civilizations, as opposed to doing such... 'symbolically'... Personally, I think assuming that contact with any potential extraterrestrials... that may be receptive of human messages, is of folly... given that there is no guarantee, they would be a benevolent species..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"You seem like someone who can be of help..." - Blonde
"Looks can be deceiving, particularly when you know nothing... about me..." - Alien (female)

3:32 PM (8/31/22): 
"Based off these 2 articles (1 month & 23 days apart, regarding their respective debuts), I concluded that there may be some hypocrisy at work... to agree to a deal, call such off, then agree again... and then once more, call such off... I would assume there would not be a third part of this sequence..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:25 PM (9/9/22):
"Hypocrisy is characteristic of people, who tend to be unpredictable... and such can be detrimental, in matters which favor reliability..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
4:52 PM (9/12/22):
10:08 PM (9/13/22):
10:16 PM (9/13/22):
[interesting parallels... to my understanding, I have 20 Twitter accounts... Things recently changed, where the 'current interface' no longer features 'pop-ups'... that had to be navigated through (on a laptop or desktop computer)... to see the full extent, of one's posts (such wasn't always... the case)]
see: Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter (there is no 'log-in' request that 'pops up'... any longer, upon scrolling down)

10:46 PM (9/13/22): 
"Personally, I don't think that prior 'digital nuisance' was necessary, given that such merely undermines the receptivity... of one's Twitter-based communications (tweets/posts)... ...if one is viewing the posts of another profile, via 'non-cellular' means (laptop or desktop, for instance)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The 'above observation' relates to how on Instagram, there is a 'log-in request screen' that appears... after scrolling down

7:23 AM (9/15/22):
...a 'log-in request screen' also appears on Twitter, after scrolling down
4:56 PM (11/4/22):
9:46 AM (11/17/22):

4:32 PM (8/31/22):
"My dad died on 10/8/20, and I sometimes wonder whether or not I would be further along... the path, to the fulfillment of my ideals... with him. Nevertheless, in the context of his history of emotional and psychological abuse, narcissism and his prioritization of worldly matters (over spiritual ones)... I suspect that his culture growing up (near Uke, Nigeria), would have continued to have been a factor... influencing his inflexibility and infatuation, with education... and prestige..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Instinctively, I have wondered about the extent of my dad's travels... in Europe (years ago), which he never detailed to me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Time can be money, but money isn't time (false equivalents)... since you can't recapture time, such is more valuable... as you experience more, of its passage..." - Michael Izuchukwu



"Since there was a remaining balance of $580,407.60, as of April 11, 2012... on the house I had lived in, in Chesterfield, MO... from grades 3 to 12 (1998-1999 to 2007-2008 school years)... I suspect that such was never paid off, given that when I was at my former apartment complex... in the aftermath of my dad's death, I had found the letter... lying around, as though such was being preserved. 
...Thus, as of today... I am concluding that 'half' of that valuation... is my 'minimal net worth,' excluding that... of my 'portable spacetime house'... which appreciates, over time... and my 'health-wealth'... 

The valuation of 'remaining debt' could be split between me and my youngest brother, Joe ($290,203.8 each), given that JJ forfeited his right to such... when he got in trouble with law enforcement, on 12/20/16..." - Michael Izuchukwu


<<< [On 12/20/16, JJ got in trouble with law enforcement (he was arrested, at 3:25 PM... which is 15:25, in terms of 'military time')... for the transportation of heroin... JJ was 25 years old, then...]

New Jersey Heroin Attorney | Possession of Heroin Charges (breslowlaw.com) >>>


...Regarding my 'net worth frequency,' I would say that is exceedingly greater... than that of my net worth, in the context... of the following:

[33. "Maybe there's a difference between net worth, and 'net worth frequency'... The latter, could ultimately be more significant... regarding matters, of the spirit...

...Net worth frequency' could be thought of as 'monetary value'... in terms of 'intrinsic, self-sufficiency'..." - Michael Izuchukwu] from: THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (izthewhiz32.blogspot.com)


"Health-wealth is the notion that in the context of 'asymptotic aging,' governance by the spirit, and time's inability... to be recaptured... that if one is extremely fit (while being a righteous individual)... that he/she is 'spiritually wealthy'... and could potentially be following in the footsteps of Enoch... who was 'whisked away' by God, at the age of 365 (while his son, Methuselah, lived to the age of 969... and had a natural death)

"Assuming I had branched off into 'neurosurgery'... and finished that type of residency, then my dad (in the context of his financial difficulties and his 'monetary history') would have likely said to me, 'well son, when are you going to buy me my cars'...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

8:58 PM (9/16/22):
"I hear, and I forget... I see, and I remember... ...I do, and I understand..." - Confucius

"The things which are 'of the devil'... are those, which are not 'of' God..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"The devil grows inside the hearts, of the selfish and wicked... ...white, brown, yellow and black, color is not restricted... you have a self destructive destiny, when you're inflicted…" - Immortal Technique


"If you don't stray from vices and adhere to that, which is righteous... then by no means will God grant you entry, to heaven ..." - Paraphrase ('rewording') of Matthew 5:20

“About three in the afternoon… Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ (which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’)” - Matthew 27-46

“For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees… ye shall in no case enter, into the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 5:20 (according to Jesus Christ)

(a sketch I made, in February 2020... at the 'Carrier Clinic'... in Belle Mead, NJ)
