
WAVES (a continuation of quotes, from 'Thoughts of the Prince of Darkness' blog)

[CONTINUATION of  THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS ( ] ... VIDEO NARRATION, OF THE KING OF DARKNESS ( ) (complementary blog) 82.  "What does it mean to be human, in the context... of the 'human condition'... Being such, is more than just having that label... ascribed, to oneself...?" - Michael Izuchukwu, 7:58 PM (8/27/22) "If you consistently make the same mistakes, and deliberately refrain from apologizing for... or acknowledging them (while forgetting the mistakes you made, after they've been made)... then such is characteristic, of depravity... and should be addressed..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 6:11 PM (9/16/22) 83.  "If you go into the abyss, you might not get out..." - Michael Izuchukwu 84. "There are many ways to live one's life - some have more intrinsic value, than others... Some aspects of reality, are the consequence... of having passed a series of checkpoints (which tend to be